A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
oCns3::AccessorTrait< T >The non-const and non-reference type equivalent to T
oCns3::UanMacRcGw::AckDataPacket ACK data
oCns3::ofi::ActionClass for handling flow table actions
oCns3::WifiActionHeader::ActionValueTypedef for union of different ActionValues
oCns3::AddressPolymophic address class
oCns3::AddressCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for AddressValue
oCns3::AddressValueAttributeValue implementation for Address
oCns3::AdhocAlohaNoackIdealPhyHelperCreate the AlohaNoackNetDevice
oCns3::Object::AggregateIteratorIterate over the Objects aggregated to an ns3::Object
oCns3::Object::AggregatesThe list of Objects aggregated to this one
oCns3::dsr::DsrOptionHeader::AlignmentAlignment requirements of an option header
oCns3::Ipv6OptionHeader::AlignmentAlignment requirements of an option header
oCns3::AllocationRetentionPriority3GPP 23.203 Section Allocation and Retention Priority characteristics
oCns3::AnglesStruct holding the azimuth and inclination angles of spherical coordinates
oCns3::AnimationInterfaceInterface to network animator
oCAodvExampleTest script
oCns3::ApplicationContainerHolds a vector of ns3::Application pointers
oCArray2D< T >
oCArray3D< T >
oCns3::ArrayMatcherHelper to test if an array entry matches a config path specification
oCns3::AsciiFileA class representing an ascii file
oCns3::AsciiTraceHelperManage ASCII trace files for device models
oCns3::AsciiTraceHelperForDeviceBase class providing common user-level ascii trace operations for helpers representing net devices
oCns3::AsciiTraceHelperForIpv4Base class providing common user-level ascii trace operations for helpers representing IPv4 protocols
oCns3::AsciiTraceHelperForIpv6Base class providing common user-level ascii trace operations for helpers representing IPv6 protocols
oCns3::olsr::MessageHeader::Hna::AssociationAssociation item structure
oCns3::olsr::AssociationTupleAn Association Tuple
oCns3::AthstatsHelperCreate AthstatsWifiTraceSink instances and connect them to wifi devices
oCns3::AttributeConstructionListList of Attribute name, value and checker triples used to construct Objects
oCAttributeDescriptorDescriptor for an AttributeValue
oCns3::TypeId::AttributeInformationAttribute implementation
oCns3::AttributeIteratorThis class is used internally by ConfigStore and GtkConfigStore
oCns3::Average< T >Simple average, min, max and std
oCns3::Average< double >
oCns3::BackoffThe backoff class is used for calculating backoff times when many net devices can write to the same channel
oCns3::BandInfoThe building block of a SpectrumModel
oCns3::BarBlock Ack Request
oCTypeTraits< T >::Base< U >Base type, after removing &, * and const
oCTypeTraits< T >::Base< const U >Base type, after removing const
oCTypeTraits< T >::Base< U & >Base type, after removing &
oCTypeTraits< T >::Base< U * >Base type, after removing *
oCBasicEnergyDepletionTestTest case of energy depletion handling for BasicEnergySource and WifiRadioEnergyModel
oCBasicEnergyUpdateTestTest case of update remaining energy for BasicEnergySource and WifiRadioEnergyModel
oCBatteryLifetimeTestThis example was originally devised as a test, then it was converted to an example
oCns3::dot11s::PeerManagementProtocol::BeaconInfoKeeps information about beacon of peer station: beacon interval, association ID, last time we have received a beacon
oCns3::EpcS11SapMme::BearerContextCreated3GPP TS 29.274 version 8.3.1 Release 8 section 8.28
oCns3::EpcMme::BearerInfoHold info on an EPS bearer to be activated
oCns3::dsr::BlackListBlackList description
oCns3::BleAccessAddressThis class can contain 32 bit access addresses for BLE Devices
oCns3::BleSpectrumModelInitializerHelper class used to automatically initialize the Ble Spectrum Model Objects
oCns3::BlockAckAgreementMaintains information for a block ack agreement
oCns3::BlockAckManagerManages all block ack agreements for an originator station
oCns3::Box3d box
oCns3::BoxCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for BoxValue
oCns3::BoxValueAttributeValue implementation for Box
oCns3::BridgeHelperAdd capability to bridge multiple LAN segments (IEEE 802.1D bridging)
oCns3::BriteTopologyHelper::BriteEdgeInfoEdge information from BRITE
oCns3::BriteTopologyHelper::BriteNodeInfoNode information from BRITE
oCns3::BriteTopologyHelperInterface with BRITE, the Boston university Representative Internet Topology gEnerator
oCns3::BufferAutomatically resized byte buffer
oCns3::BuildBroadcastListElement_sSee section 4.3.11 buildBroadcastListElement
oCns3::BuildDataListElement_sSee section 4.3.8 builDataListElement
oCns3::BuildingContainerKeep track of a set of building pointers
oCBuildingDataData to construct a Building object
oCns3::BuildRarListElement_sSee section 4.3.10 buildRARListElement
oCns3::BulkSendHelperA helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::BulkSendApplication on a set of nodes
oCns3::BwPart_sSee section 4.3.28 bwPart
oCns3::ByteTagIteratorIterator over the set of byte tags in a packet
oCns3::ByteTagListKeep track of the byte tags stored in a packet
oCns3::ByteTagListDataInternal representation of the byte tags stored in a packet
oCns3::CallbackBaseBase class for Callback class
oCns3::CallbackTraits< T >Trait class to convert a pointer into a reference, used by MemPtrCallBackImpl
oCns3::CallbackTraits< Ptr< T > >Trait class to convert a pointer into a reference, used by MemPtrCallBackImpl
oCns3::CallbackTraits< T * >Trait class to convert a pointer into a reference, used by MemPtrCallBackImpl
oCns3::CandidateQueueA Candidate Queue used in static routing
oCns3::CapabilityInformationCapability information
oCns3::RadioBearerStatsConnector::CellIdRntiStruct used as key in m_ueManagerPathByCellIdRnti map
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::CellInformationItemCell Information Item as it is used in the LOAD INFORMATION message
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::CellMeasurementResultItemCell Measurement Result Item as it is used in the RESOURCE STATUS UPDATE message
oCns3::ChannelListList of simulation channels
oCns3::CidFactoryThis class is used exclusively by the BS to allocate CIDs to new connections
oCns3::Hash::Example::ColliderKeep track of collisions
oCns3::CommandLineParse command-line arguments
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::CompositeAvailCapacityComposite Available Capacity as it is used in the RESOURCE STATUS UPDATE message
oCConfigStoreHelperSimplifies config-store raw text load and save
oCns3::ConstantVelocityHelperUtility class used to move node with constant velocity
oCns3::CqiConfig_sSee section 4.3.19 cqiConfig
oCns3::CqiListElement_sSee section 4.3.24 cqiListElement
oCns3::CriticalSectionA class which provides a simple way to implement a Critical Section
oCns3::FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedCellConfigCnfParametersParameters of the API primitives
oCns3::FfMacCschedSapProvider::CschedCellConfigReqParametersParameters of the API primitives
oCns3::FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedCellConfigUpdateIndParametersParameters of the CSCHED_CELL_CONFIG_UPDATE_IND primitive
oCns3::FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedLcConfigCnfParametersParameters of the CSCHED_LC_CONFIG_CNF primitive
oCns3::FfMacCschedSapProvider::CschedLcConfigReqParametersParameters of the CSCHED_LC_CONFIG_REQ primitive
oCns3::FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedLcReleaseCnfParametersParameters of the CSCHED_LC_RELEASE_CNF primitive
oCns3::FfMacCschedSapProvider::CschedLcReleaseReqParametersParameters of the CSCHED_LC_RELEASE_REQ primitive
oCns3::FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedUeConfigCnfParametersParameters of the CSCHED_UE_CONFIG_CNF primitive
oCns3::FfMacCschedSapProvider::CschedUeConfigReqParametersParameters of the CSCHED_UE_CONFIG_REQ primitive
oCns3::FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedUeConfigUpdateIndParametersParameters of the CSCHED_UE_CONFIG_UPDATE_IND primitive
oCns3::FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedUeReleaseCnfParametersParameters of the CSCHED_UE_RELEASE_CNF primitive
oCns3::FfMacCschedSapProvider::CschedUeReleaseReqParametersParameters of the CSCHED_UE_RELEASE_REQ primitive
oCns3::CsmaDeviceRecCsmaNetDevice Record
oCns3::CsmaStarHelperA helper to make it easier to create a star topology with Csma links
oCns3::Buffer::DataThis data structure is variable-sized through its last member whose size is determined at allocation time and stored in the m_size field
oCns3::PacketMetadata::DataData structure
oCns3::FdReader::DataA structure representing data read
oCns3::GnuplotDataset::DataStructure storing the data to plot
oCns3::Ipv4RawSocketImpl::DataIPv4 raw data and additional information
oCns3::Ipv6RawSocketImpl::DataIPv6 raw data and additional information
oCns3::DataOutputCallbackCallback class for the DataOutput classes
oCns3::EpcEnbS1SapUser::DataRadioBearerSetupRequestParametersParameters passed to DataRadioBearerSetupRequest ()
oCns3::DataRateClass for representing data rates
oCns3::DataRateCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for DataRateValue
oCns3::DataRateValueAttributeValue implementation for DataRate
oCns3::DcdChannelEncodingsThis class implements the DCD channel encodings as described by "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems" 11.4.1 DCD channel encodings, page 659
oCns3::DcfManagerManage a set of ns3::DcfStateHandle a set of independent ns3::DcfState, each of which represents a single DCF within a MAC stack
oCns3::DcfStateKeep track of the state needed for a single DCF function
oCns3::DefaultDeleter< T >A template used to delete objects by the ns3::SimpleRefCount templates when the last reference to an object they manage disappears
oCns3::DelayJitterEstimationQuick and dirty delay and jitter estimation
oCns3::DestinationPointKeeps last movement schedule
oCns3::DeviceEnergyModelContainerHolds a vector of ns3::DeviceEnergyModel pointers
oCns3::DeviceEnergyModelHelperCreates DeviceEnergyModel objects
oCns3::Hash::Example::DictFilesSource word list files
oCns3::Hash::Example::DictionaryWord list and hashers to test
oCns3::DlDciListElement_sSee section 4.3.1 dlDciListElement
oCns3::DlFramePrefixIeThis class implements the DL Frame Prefix IE as described by IEEE-802.16 standard
oCns3::DlInfoListElement_sSee section 4.3.23 dlInfoListElement
oCns3::dot11s::Dot11sMeshCapabilitySee in 802.11s draft 3.0
oCns3::DoubleCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for DoubleValue
oCns3::DrxConfig_sSee section 4.3.16 drxConfig
oCns3::dsr::DsrErrorBuffEntryDSR Error Buffer Entry
oCns3::dsr::DsrErrorBufferDSR error buffer
oCDsrHeaderHeader for Dsr Routing
oCns3::DsrMainHelperHelper class that adds DSR routing to nodes
oCns3::dsr::DsrMaintainBuffEntryDSR Maintain Buffer Entry
oCns3::dsr::DsrMaintainBufferDSR maintain buffer
oCns3::dsr::DsrNetworkQueueEntryDSR Network Queue Entry
oCDsrOptionRouteRequestHeaderHeader of Dsr Option Route Request
oCns3::dsr::DsrPassiveBuffEntryDSR Passive Buffer Entry
oCns3::dsr::DsrReceivedRreqEntryThe request entry for intermediate nodes to check if they have received this request or not This is used to control the duplication request from being processed
oCns3::DsrRoutingHeaderIntrospection did not find any typical Config paths
oCns3::dsr::DsrSendBuffEntryDSR Send Buffer Entry
oCns3::dsr::DsrSendBufferDSR send buffer
oCns3::DsssErrorRateModelImplementation of DSSS error rate modelThe 802.11b modulations:
oCns3::aodv::DuplicatePacketDetectionHelper class used to remember already seen packets and detect duplicates
oCns3::olsr::DuplicateTupleA Duplicate Tuple
oCns3::emptyMake Callback use a separate empty type
oCns3::EnergyHarvesterHelperCreates EnergyHarvester objects
oCns3::EnergySourceHelperCreates EnergySource objects
oCns3::ArpCache::EntryA record that that holds information about an ArpCache entry
oCns3::Ipv4AddressGeneratorImpl::EntryThis class holds the allocated addresses
oCns3::Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl::EntryThis class holds the allocated addresses
oCns3::NdiscCache::EntryA record that holds information about an NdiscCache entry
oCns3::EpcEnbS1SapProviderThis class implements the Service Access Point (SAP) between the LteEnbRrc and the EpcEnbApplication
oCns3::EpcEnbS1SapUserThis class implements the Service Access Point (SAP) between the LteEnbRrc and the EpcEnbApplication
oCns3::EpcX2SapThe X2 SAP defines the service between the X2 entity and the RRC entity
oCns3::EpsBearerThis class contains the specification of EPS Bearers
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::ErabAdmittedItemE-RABs admitted item as it is used in the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::ErabNotAdmittedItemE-RABs not admitted item as it is used in the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message
oCns3::EpcS1apSapMme::ErabSetupItemE-RAB Setup Item IEs, see 3GPP TS 36.413
oCns3::EpcS1apSapMme::ErabSwitchedInDownlinkItemE-RABs Switched in Downlink Item IE, see 3GPP TS 36.413
oCns3::EpcS1apSapEnb::ErabSwitchedInUplinkItemE-RABs Switched in Uplink Item IE, see 3GPP TS 36.413
oCns3::EpcS1apSapMme::ErabToBeReleasedIndicationE-RAB Release Indication Item IEs, 3GPP TS 36.413 version 9.8.0 section
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::ErabToBeSetupItemE-RABs to be setup item as it is used in the HANDOVER REQUEST message
oCns3::ofi::EricssonActionClass for handling Ericsson Vendor-defined actions
oCns3::EutraChannelNumbersTable 5.7.3-1 "E-UTRA channel numbers" from 3GPP TS 36.101 The table was converted to C syntax doing a cut & paste from TS 36.101 and running the following filter: awk '{if ((NR % 7) == 1) printf("{"); printf ("%s",$0); if ((NR % 7) == 0) printf("},\n"); else printf(", ");}' | sed 's/ – /, /g'
oCns3::EutranMeasurementMappingImplements the E-UTRA measurement mappings defined in 3GPP TS 36.133 section 9.1 E-UTRAN measurements
oCns3::Scheduler::EventScheduler event
oCns3::EventGarbageCollectorAn object that tracks scheduled events and automatically cancels them when it is destroyed
oCns3::EventIdAn identifier for simulation events
oCns3::EventGarbageCollector::EventIdLessThanTsComparison operator for std::multiset
oCns3::Scheduler::EventKeyStructure for sorting and comparing Events
oCns3::EventMemberImplObjTraits< T >Helper for the MakeEvent functions which take a class method
oCns3::EventMemberImplObjTraits< Ptr< T > >Helper for the MakeEvent functions which take a class method
oCns3::EventMemberImplObjTraits< T * >Helper for the MakeEvent functions which take a class method
oCns3::DefaultSimulatorImpl::EventWithContextWrap an event with its execution context
oCExperimentHelper class for UAN CW MAC example
oCns3::PacketMetadata::ExtraItemExtraItem structure
oCns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::FailedDestinationStructure of unreachable destination - address and sequence number
oCFakeNetDeviceExample class with a method for the background task
oCns3::fdtbfqsFlowPerf_tFlow information
oCns3::FfMacCschedSapProviderProvides the CSCHED SAP
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapProviderProvides the SCHED SAP
oCns3::FileHelperHelper class used to put data values into a file
oCns3::Ipv4FlowClassifier::FiveTupleStructure to classify a packet
oCns3::Ipv6FlowClassifier::FiveTupleStructure to classify a packet
oCns3::FlowMonitorHelperHelper to enable IP flow monitoring on a set of Nodes
oCns3::FlowMonitor::FlowStatsStructure that represents the measured metrics of an individual packet flow
oCns3::FlowProbe::FlowStatsStructure to hold the statistics of a flow
oCns3::ofi::Stats::FlowStatsStateState of the FlowStats request/reply
oCns3::EpcS11Sap::FteidFully-qualified TEID, see 3GPP TS 29.274 section 8.22
oCTypeTraits< T >::FunctionPtrTraits< U >Not a function pointer type
oCTypeTraits< T >::FunctionPtrTraits< U(*)(V1)>Function pointer type
oCTypeTraits< T >::FunctionPtrTraits< U(*)(V1, V2)>Function pointer type
oCTypeTraits< T >::FunctionPtrTraits< U(*)(V1, V2, V3)>Function pointer type
oCTypeTraits< T >::FunctionPtrTraits< U(*)(V1, V2, V3, V4)>Function pointer type
oCTypeTraits< T >::FunctionPtrTraits< U(*)(V1, V2, V3, V4, V5)>Function pointer type
oCTypeTraits< T >::FunctionPtrTraits< U(*)(V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6)>Function pointer type
oCTypeTraits< T >::FunctionPtrTraits< U(*)(void)>Function pointer type
oCns3::GbrQosInformation3GPP TS 36.143 GBR QoS Information
oCns3::GeographicPositionsConsists of methods dealing with Earth geographic coordinates and locations
oCGlobalPathlossDatabaseStore the last pathloss value for each TX-RX pair
oCns3::GlobalRouteManagerA global global router
oCns3::GlobalRouteManagerImplA global router implementation
oCns3::GlobalRouteManagerLSDBThe Link State DataBase (LSDB) of the Global Route Manager
oCns3::GlobalRoutingLinkRecordA single link record for a link state advertisement
oCns3::GlobalRoutingLSALink State Advertisement (LSA) for a router, used in global routing
oCns3::GlobalValueHold a so-called 'global value'
oCns3::GnuplotSimple class to generate gnuplot-ready plotting commands from a set of datasets
oCns3::GnuplotCollectionSimple class to group together multiple gnuplots into one file, e.g
oCns3::GnuplotDatasetAbstract class to store a plot line to be used by ns3::Gnuplot
oCns3::GnuplotHelperHelper class used to make gnuplot plots
oCns3::GroupInfoA struct to contain information of a group
oCns3::GtkConfigStoreA class that provides a GTK-based front end to ns3::ConfigStore
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::HandoverPreparationFailureParamsParameters of the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::HandoverRequestAckParamsParameters of the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::HandoverRequestParamsParameters of the HANDOVER REQUEST message
oCns3::HasherGeneric Hash function interface
oCns3::olsr::MessageHeader::HelloHELLO Message Format
oCns3::HigherLayerSelected_sSee section 4.3.27 higherLayerSelected
oCns3::HistogramClass used to store data and make an histogram of the data frequency
oCns3::olsr::MessageHeader::HnaHNA (Host Network Association) Message Format
oCns3::HtCapabilitiesCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for HtCapabilitiesValue
oCns3::HtCapabilitiesValueAttributeValue implementation for HtCapabilities
oCns3::HtRateInfoA struct to contain all statistics information related to a data rate
oCns3::Ipv6RawSocketImpl::icmpv6FilterStruct to hold the ICMPv6 filter
oCns3::aodv::IdCacheUnique packets identification cache used for simple duplicate detection
oCns3::IeMeshIdCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for IeMeshIdValue
oCns3::IeMeshIdValueAttributeValue implementation for IeMeshId
oCns3::olsr::IfaceAssocTupleAn Interface Association Tuple
oCns3::IidManager::IidInformationThe information record about a single type id
oCIInterruptCallbackStruct interface to NSC soft interrupt capabilities
oCin6_ifreqStruct holding IPv6 address data
oCns3::IndentHelper to indent output a specified number of steps
oCns3::Inet6SocketAddressAn Inet6 address class
oCINetDatagramSocketStruct interface to NSC Datagram (i.e., UDP) Sockets
oCns3::InetSocketAddressInet address class
oCINetStackStruct interface to NSC stack
oCINetStreamSocketStruct interface to NSC Stream (i.e., TCP) Sockets
oCns3::Time::InformationHow to convert between other units and the current unit
oCint64x64_tHigh precision numerical type, implementing Q64.64 fixed precision
oCns3::IntegerCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for IntegerValue
oCns3::InterferenceHelperHandles interference calculations
oCns3::IntToType< v >Convert an integer into a type
oCIpAddressHelperHelper to print a node's IP addresses
oCns3::Ipv4AddressIpv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class
oCns3::Ipv4AddressCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for Ipv4AddressValue
oCns3::Ipv4AddressGeneratorThis generator assigns addresses sequentially from a provided network address; used in topology code
oCns3::Ipv4AddressGeneratorImplImplementation class of Ipv4AddressGenerator This generator assigns addresses sequentially from a provided network address; used in topology code
oCns3::Ipv4AddressHelperA helper class to make life easier while doing simple IPv4 address assignment in scripts
oCns3::Ipv4AddressValueAttributeValue implementation for Ipv4Address
oCns3::Ipv4EndPointA representation of an internet endpoint/connection
oCns3::Ipv4EndPointDemuxDemultiplexes packets to various transport layer endpoints
oCns3::Ipv4InterfaceAddressClass to store IPv4 address information on an interface
oCns3::Ipv4InterfaceContainerHolds a vector of std::pair of Ptr<Ipv4> and interface index
oCns3::Ipv4MaskClass to represent an Ipv4 address mask
oCns3::Ipv4MaskCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for Ipv4MaskValue
oCns3::Ipv4MaskValueAttributeValue implementation for Ipv4Mask
oCns3::Ipv4MulticastRoutingTableEntryA record of an IPv4 multicast route for Ipv4GlobalRouting and Ipv4StaticRouting
oCns3::Ipv4RoutingHelperFactory to create ns3::Ipv4RoutingProtocol objects
oCns3::Ipv4RoutingTableEntryA record of an IPv4 routing table entry for Ipv4GlobalRouting and Ipv4StaticRouting
oCns3::Ipv6AddressDescribes an IPv6 address
oCns3::Ipv6AddressCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for Ipv6AddressValue
oCns3::Ipv6AddressGeneratorThis generator assigns addresses sequentially from a provided network address; used in topology code
oCns3::Ipv6AddressGeneratorImplImplementation class of Ipv6AddressGenerator This generator assigns addresses sequentially from a provided network address; used in topology code
oCns3::Ipv6AddressHelperHelper class to auto-assign global IPv6 unicast addresses
oCns3::Ipv6AddressValueAttributeValue implementation for Ipv6Address
oCns3::Ipv6EndPointA representation of an internet IPv6 endpoint/connection
oCns3::Ipv6EndPointDemuxDemultiplexor for end points
oCns3::Ipv6InterfaceAddressIPv6 address associated with an interface
oCns3::Ipv6InterfaceContainerKeep track of a set of IPv6 interfaces
oCns3::Ipv6MulticastRoutingTableEntryA record of an IPv6 multicast route
oCns3::Ipv6PrefixDescribes an IPv6 prefix
oCns3::Ipv6PrefixCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for Ipv6PrefixValue
oCns3::Ipv6PrefixValueAttributeValue implementation for Ipv6Prefix
oCns3::Ipv6RoutingHelperA factory to create ns3::Ipv6RoutingProtocol objects
oCns3::Ipv6RoutingTableEntryA record of an IPv6 route
oCISendCallbackStruct interface to NSC send capabilities
oCns3::dsr::DsrGraReply::IsExpiredCheck if the entry is expired or not
oCns3::dsr::DsrRreqTable::IsExpiredCheck if the entry is expired or not
oCns3::ByteTagList::Iterator::ItemAn item specifies an individual tag within a byte buffer
oCns3::PacketMetadata::ItemStructure describing a packet metadata item
oCns3::ByteTagIterator::ItemIdentifies a byte tag and a set of bytes within a packet to which the tag applies
oCns3::PacketTagIterator::ItemIdentifies a packet tag within a packet
oCns3::AttributeConstructionList::ItemA single Attribute triple
oCns3::BlockAckManager::ItemA struct for packet, Wifi header, and timestamp
oCns3::MacLow::ItemA struct for packet, Wifi header, and timestamp
oCns3::WifiMacQueue::ItemA struct that holds information about a packet for putting in a packet queue
oCns3::CommandLine::ItemThe argument base class
oCns3::PacketMetadata::ItemIteratorIterator class for metadata items
oCns3::Buffer::IteratorIterator in a Buffer instance
oCns3::ByteTagList::IteratorAn iterator for iterating through a byte tag list
oCJakesPropagationExampleConstructs a JakesPropagationlossModel and print the loss value as a function of time into std::cout
oCns3::LbtsMessageStructure used for all-reduce LBTS computation
oCns3::LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfoLogical Channel information to be passed to CmacSapProvider::ConfigureLc
oCns3::BridgeNetDevice::LearnedStateStructure holding the status of an address
oCns3::PointToPointChannel::LinkWire model for the PointToPointChannel
oCns3::TopologyReader::LinkInner class holding the details about a link between two nodes
oCns3::dsr::LinkThe route cache structure
oCns3::dsr::LinkKeyThe maintenance buffer is responsible for maintaining packet next hop delivery The data packet is saved in maintenance buffer whenever the data packet is sent out of send buffer
oCns3::olsr::MessageHeader::Hello::LinkMessageLink message item
oCns3::olsr::LinkTupleA Link Tuple
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::LoadInformationParamsParameters of the LOAD INFORMATION message
oCns3::Buffer::LocalStaticDestructorLocal static destructor structure
oCns3::LogComponentA single log component configuration
oCns3::LogicalChannelConfigListElement_sSee section 4.3.4 logicalChannelConfigListElement
oCns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResultRoute lookup result, return type of LookupXXX methods
oCns3::flame::FlameRtable::LookupResultRoute lookup result, return type of LookupXXX methods
oCns3::LrWpanEdPowerHelper structure to manage the power measurement during ED
oCns3::LrWpanPhyDataAndSymbolRatesThis data structure provides the Bit rate and Symbol rate for a given channel See IEEE802.15.4-2006 Table 1 and 2 in section 6.1.1 and 6.1.2
oCns3::LrWpanPhyPibAttributesIEEE802.15.4-2006 PHY PIB Attributes Table 23 in section 6.4.2
oCns3::LrWpanPhyPpduHeaderSymbolNumberThis data structure provides number of symbols for the PPDU headers: SHR and PHR See IEEE802.15.4-2006 Figure 16, Table 19 and 20 in section 6.3
oCns3::LrWpanSpectrumModelInitializerHelper class used to automatically initialize the LrWpan Spectrum Model objects
oCns3::LrWpanSpectrumValueHelperThis class defines all functions to create spectrum model for LrWpan
oCns3::LteAnrSapProviderService Access Point (SAP) offered by the ANR instance to the eNodeB RRC instance
oCns3::LteAnrSapUserService Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNodeB RRC instance to the ANR instance
oCns3::LteAsSapProviderThis class implements the Access Stratum (AS) Service Access Point (SAP), i.e., the interface between the EpcUeNas and the LteUeRrc
oCns3::LteAsSapUserThis class implements the Access Stratum (AS) Service Access Point (SAP), i.e., the interface between the EpcUeNas and the LteUeRrc In particular, this class implements the User part of the SAP, i.e., the methods exported by the EpcUeNas and called by the LteUeRrc
oCns3::LteEnbCmacSapProviderService Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNB MAC to the eNB RRC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Specification v 1.11, Figure 1
oCns3::LteEnbCmacSapUserService Access Point (SAP) offered by the MAC to the RRC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Specification v 1.11, Figure 1
oCns3::LteEnbCphySapProviderService Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE PHY to the UE RRC for control purposes
oCns3::LteEnbCphySapUserService Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE PHY to the UE RRC for control purposes
oCns3::LteEnbPhySapProviderService Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNB-PHY to the eNB-MAC
oCns3::LteEnbPhySapUserService Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNB-PHY to the eNB-MAC
oCns3::LteFfrRrcSapProviderService Access Point (SAP) offered by the Frequency Reuse algorithm instance to the eNodeB RRC instance
oCns3::LteFfrRrcSapUserService Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNodeB RRC instance to the Frequency Reuse algorithm instance
oCns3::LteFfrSapProviderService Access Point (SAP) offered by the Frequency Reuse algorithm instance to the MAC Scheduler instance
oCns3::LteFfrSapUserService Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNodeB RRC instance to the Frequency Reuse algorithm instance
oCns3::LteGlobalPathlossDatabaseStore the last pathloss value for each TX-RX pair
oCns3::LteHandoverManagementSapProviderService Access Point (SAP) offered by the handover algorithm instance to the eNodeB RRC instance
oCns3::LteHandoverManagementSapUserService Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNodeB RRC instance to the handover algorithm instance
oCns3::LteMacSapProviderService Access Point (SAP) offered by the MAC to the RLC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Specification v 1.11, Figure 1
oCns3::LteMacSapUserService Access Point (SAP) offered by the MAC to the RLC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Specification v 1.11, Figure 1
oCns3::LteMiErrorModelThis class provides the BLER estimation based on mutual information metrics
oCns3::LtePdcpSapProviderService Access Point (SAP) offered by the PDCP entity to the RRC entity See 3GPP 36.323 Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) specification
oCns3::LtePdcpSapUserService Access Point (SAP) offered by the PDCP entity to the RRC entity See 3GPP 36.323 Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) specification
oCns3::LteRlcSapProviderService Access Point (SAP) offered by the UM-RLC and AM-RLC entities to the PDCP entity See 3GPP 36.322 Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification
oCns3::LteRlcSapUserService Access Point (SAP) offered by the UM-RLC and AM-RLC entities to the PDCP entity See 3GPP 36.322 Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification
oCns3::LteRrcSapClass holding definition common to all UE/eNodeB SAP Users/Providers
oCns3::LteSpectrumValueCatcherA sink to be plugged to the callback of LteChunkProcessor allowing to save and later retrieve the latest reported value
oCns3::LteSpectrumValueHelperThis class defines all functions to create spectrum model for lte
oCns3::LteUeCmacSapProviderService Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE MAC to the UE RRC
oCns3::LteUeCmacSapUserService Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE MAC to the UE RRC
oCns3::LteUeConfig_tParameters for configuring the UE
oCns3::LteUeCphySapProviderService Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE PHY to the UE RRC for control purposes
oCns3::LteUeCphySapUserService Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE PHY to the UE RRC for control purposes
oCns3::LteUePhySapProviderService Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE-PHY to the UE-MAC
oCns3::LteUePhySapUserService Access Point (SAP) offered by the PHY to the MAC
oCns3::Mac16AddressThis class can contain 16 bit addresses
oCns3::Mac16AddressCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for Mac16AddressValue
oCns3::Mac16AddressValueAttributeValue implementation for Mac16Address
oCns3::Mac48AddressEUI-48 address
oCns3::Mac48AddressCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for Mac48AddressValue
oCns3::Mac48AddressValueAttributeValue implementation for Mac48Address
oCns3::Mac64AddressEUI-64 address
oCns3::Mac64AddressCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for Mac64AddressValue
oCns3::Mac64AddressValueAttributeValue implementation for Mac64Address
oCns3::MacCeListElement_sSee section 4.3.14 macCEListElement
oCns3::MacCeValue_uSee section 4.3.15 macCEValue
oCns3::MacLowAggregationCapableTransmissionListenerListen for block ack events
oCns3::MacLowDcfListenerListen to NAV eventsThis class is typically connected to an instance of ns3::Dcf and calls to its methods are forwards to the corresponding ns3::Dcf methods
oCns3::MacLowTransmissionListenerListen to events coming from ns3::MacLow
oCns3::MacLowTransmissionParametersControl how a packet is transmitted
oCns3::MacRxMiddleThis class handles duplicate detection and recomposition of fragments
oCns3::MacTxMiddleHandles sequence numbering of IEEE 802.11 data frames
oCns3::Config::MatchContainerHold a set of objects which match a specific search string
oCns3::McpsDataConfirmParamsMCPS-DATA.confirm params
oCns3::McpsDataIndicationParamsMCPS-DATA.indication params
oCns3::McpsDataRequestParamsMCPS-DATA.request params
oCns3::McsGroupData structure to contain the information that defines a group
oCns3::LteUeRrc::MeasValuesRepresents a measurement result from a certain cell
oCns3::MeshHelperHelper to create IEEE 802.11s mesh networks
oCns3::MeshWifiBeaconBeacon is beacon header + list of arbitrary information elements
oCns3::MicrowaveOvenSpectrumModel5MhzInitializerInit a static class containing the MWO #2 model (5Mhz)
oCns3::MicrowaveOvenSpectrumModel6MhzInitializerInit a static class containing the MWO #1 model (6Mhz)
oCns3::MicrowaveOvenSpectrumValueHelperThis class provides methods for the creation of SpectrumValue instances that mimic the Power Spectral Density of commercial microwave ovens based on the measurements reported in the following paper: Tanim M
oCns3::olsr::MessageHeader::MidMID Message Format
oCns3::MobilityHelperHelper class used to assign positions and mobility models to nodes
oCns3::MpiInterfaceSingleton used to interface to the communications infrastructure when running NS3 in parallel
oCns3::olsr::MprSelectorTupleAn MPR-Selector Tuple
oCMyCbExample Callback class
oCMyModelSimple model object to illustrate event handling
oCns3::NameNodeNode in the naming tree
oCns3::NamesA directory of name and Ptr<Object> associations that allows us to give any ns3 Object a name
oCns3::LteEnbMac::NcRaPreambleInfoInfo associated with a preamble allocated for non-contention based RA
oCns3::dsr::DsrRouteCache::NeighborThe following code handles link-layer acks
oCns3::aodv::Neighbors::NeighborNeighbor description
oCns3::aodv::NeighborsMaintain list of active neighbors
oCns3::olsr::NeighborTupleA Neighbor Tuple
oCns3::LteAnr::NeighbourRelation_tNeighbour Relation between two eNodeBs (serving eNodeB and neighbour eNodeB)
oCNetAnimExperimentHelper class for UAN CW MAC example
oCns3::NetDeviceContainerHolds a vector of ns3::NetDevice pointers
oCns3::TrafficControlLayer::NetDeviceInfoInformation to store for each device
oCns3::Ipv4AddressGeneratorImpl::NetworkStateThis class holds the state for a given network
oCns3::Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl::NetworkStateThis class holds the state for a given network
oCns3::InterferenceHelper::NiChangeNoise and Interference (thus Ni) event
oCns3::NodeContainerKeep track of a set of node pointers
oCns3::NodeListList of simulation nodes
oCanonymous_namespace{traced-callback-typedef-test-suite.cc}::NonConstReferenced< T >Non-const non-reference type
oCns3::NonCopyableA base class for (non-Singleton) objects which shouldn't be copied
oCns3::Ns2MobilityHelperHelper class which can read ns-2 movement files and configure nodes mobility
oCns3::NullMessageSentBufferNon-blocking send buffers for Null Message implementation
oCTypeTraits< T >::NullTypeNull value type traits
oCns3::ObjectBaseAnchor the ns-3 type and attribute system
oCns3::ObjectDeleterStandard Object deleter, used by SimpleRefCount to delete an Object when the reference count drops to zero
oCns3::ObjectFactoryInstantiate subclasses of ns3::Object
oCns3::ObjectMapCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for ObjectMapValue
oCns3::Ns2MobilityHelper::ObjectStoreClass to hold input objects internally
oCns3::ObjectVectorCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for ObjectVectorValue
oCns3::olsr::OlsrStateThis class encapsulates all data structures needed for maintaining internal state of an OLSR node
oCns3::OnOffHelperA helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::OnOffApplication on a set of nodes
oCns3::OpenFlowSwitchHelperAdd capability to switch multiple LAN segments (IEEE 802.1D bridging)
oCOptionFieldOption field for an DsrFsHeader Enables adding options to an DsrFsHeader
oCns3::OptionFieldOption field for an IPv6ExtensionHeader Enables adding options to an IPv6ExtensionHeader
oCns3::OrganizationIdentifierOrganization identifier is a public organizationally unique identifier assigned by the IEEE
oCns3::OrganizationIdentifierCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for OrganizationIdentifierValue
oCns3::OrganizationIdentifierValueAttributeValue implementation for OrganizationIdentifier
oCns3::OriginatorRxStatusA class to keep track of the packet originator status
oCns3::JakesProcess::OscillatorThis class Represents a single oscillator
oCns3::EpcTft::PacketFilterImplement the data structure representing a TrafficFlowTemplate Packet Filter
oCns3::PacketLossCounterA class to count the number of lost packets
oCns3::PacketMetadataHandle packet metadata about packet headers and trailers
oCns3::dsdv::PacketQueueDSDV Packet queue
oCns3::PacketSinkHelperA helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::PacketSinkApplication on a set of nodes
oCns3::PacketSocketAddressAddress for a packet socket
oCns3::PacketSocketHelperGive ns3::PacketSocket powers to ns3::Node
oCns3::PacketTagIteratorIterator over the set of packet tags in a packet
oCns3::PacketTagListList of the packet tags stored in a packet
oCns3::PagingInfoListElement_sSee section 4.3.30 pagingInfoListElement
oCns3::ParallelCommunicationInterfacePure virtual base class for the interface between ns-3 and the parallel communication layer being used
oCns3::ParameterLoggerInsert , when streaming function arguments
oCns3::ParseResultType to maintain line parsed and its values
oCns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::PathErrorStructure of path error: IePerr and list of receivers: interfaces and MAC address
oCns3::PbbAddressTlvBlockA block of Address TLVs (PbbAddressTlv)
oCns3::PbbTlvBlockA block of packet or message TLVs (PbbTlv)
oCns3::PcapFileA class representing a pcap file
oCns3::PcapFile::PcapFileHeaderPcap file header
oCns3::PcapHelperManage pcap files for device models
oCns3::PcapHelperForDeviceBase class providing common user-level pcap operations for helpers representing net devices
oCns3::PcapHelperForIpv4Base class providing common user-level pcap operations for helpers representing IPv4 protocols
oCns3::PcapHelperForIpv6Base class providing common user-level pcap operations for helpers representing IPv6 protocols
oCns3::PcapFile::PcapRecordHeaderPcap record header
oCns3::PendingDataClass for managing I/O between applications and TCP
oCns3::LteUeRrc::PendingTrigger_tRepresents a single triggered event from a measurement identity which reporting criteria have been fulfilled, but delayed by time-to-trigger
oCns3::PhichListElement_sSee section 4.3.7 phichListElement
oCns3::Ping6HelperPing6 application helper
oCns3::dot11s::PeerManagementProtocolMac::PlinkFrameStartThis structure keeps all fields in peer link management frame, which are not subclasses of WifiInformationElement
oCns3::Gnuplot2dDataset::PointA point in a 2D plot
oCns3::Gnuplot3dDataset::PointA point in a 3D plot
oCTypeTraits< T >::PointerTraits< U >Not a pointer type
oCTypeTraits< T >::PointerTraits< ns3::Ptr< U > >Ptr type
oCTypeTraits< T >::PointerTraits< U * >Pointer type
oCns3::PointToPointDumbbellHelperA helper to make it easier to create a dumbbell topology with p2p links
oCns3::PointToPointGridHelperA helper to make it easier to create a grid topology with p2p links
oCns3::PointToPointStarHelperA helper to make it easier to create a star topology with PointToPoint links
oCns3::ofi::PortPort and its metadata
oCns3::ofi::Stats::PortStatsStateState of the PortStats request/reply
oCanonymous_namespace{rng-stream.cc}::PrecalculatedThe transition matrices of the two MRG components (in matrix form), raised to all powers of 2 from 1 to 191
oCns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::PrecursorRoute found in reactive mode
oCns3::int64x64::test::PrinterPretty printer for test cases
oCns3::PrintListHandler for print-list token in NS_LOG to print the list of log components
oCns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::ProactiveRouteRoute fond in proactive mode
oCns3::PropagationCache< T >Constructs a cache of objects, where each object is responsible for a single propagation path loss calculations
oCns3::PropagationCache< ns3::JakesProcess >
oCns3::PropagationCache< T >::PropagationPathIdentifierEach path is identified by
oCns3::Node::ProtocolHandlerEntryProtocol handler entry
oCns3::TrafficControlLayer::ProtocolHandlerEntryProtocol handler entry
oCns3::pssFlowPerf_tFlow information
oCns3::Ptr< T >Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr
oCns3::Ptr< Application >
oCns3::Ptr< ArpCache >
oCns3::Ptr< BasicEnergySource >
oCns3::Ptr< BuildingsMobilityModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ChannelCoordinationListener >
oCns3::Ptr< ChannelCoordinator >
oCns3::Ptr< ConfigTestObject >
oCns3::Ptr< const NetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< const ns3::AttributeAccessor >
oCns3::Ptr< const ns3::AttributeChecker >
oCns3::Ptr< const ns3::AttributeValue >
oCns3::Ptr< const ns3::JakesPropagationLossModel >
oCns3::Ptr< const ns3::MobilityModel >
oCns3::Ptr< const ns3::NetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< const ns3::Object >
oCns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >
oCns3::Ptr< const ns3::SpectrumModel >
oCns3::Ptr< const ns3::SpectrumValue >
oCns3::Ptr< const ns3::TraceSourceAccessor >
oCns3::Ptr< const Packet >
oCns3::Ptr< const SpectrumModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ConstantRandomVariable >
oCns3::Ptr< CounterCalculator<> >
oCns3::Ptr< DataCalculator >
oCns3::Ptr< Derived >
oCns3::Ptr< dsr::ns3::dsr::DsrNetworkQueue >
oCns3::Ptr< dsr::ns3::dsr::DsrPassiveBuffer >
oCns3::Ptr< dsr::ns3::dsr::DsrRouteCache >
oCns3::Ptr< dsr::ns3::dsr::DsrRreqTable >
oCns3::Ptr< DsrOptions >
oCns3::Ptr< EdcaTxopN >
oCns3::Ptr< EpcTftClassifier >
oCns3::Ptr< ExponentialRandomVariable >
oCns3::Ptr< FlameProtocolMac >
oCns3::Ptr< FlameRtable >
oCns3::Ptr< FlowProbe >
oCns3::Ptr< Fragments >
oCns3::Ptr< Hash::Implementation >
oCns3::Ptr< HwmpProtocolMac >
oCns3::Ptr< HwmpRtable >
oCns3::Ptr< IeBeaconTimingUnit >
oCns3::Ptr< IpL4Protocol >
oCns3::Ptr< Ipv4Interface >
oCns3::Ptr< Ipv4RawSocketImpl >
oCns3::Ptr< Ipv4Route >
oCns3::Ptr< Ipv6AutoconfiguredPrefix >
oCns3::Ptr< Ipv6Extension >
oCns3::Ptr< Ipv6ExtensionRouting >
oCns3::Ptr< Ipv6Interface >
oCns3::Ptr< Ipv6Option >
oCns3::Ptr< Ipv6RawSocketImpl >
oCns3::Ptr< LteEnbNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< LteFfrSimple >
oCns3::Ptr< LteHelper >
oCns3::Ptr< LteRlc >
oCns3::Ptr< LteTestMac >
oCns3::Ptr< LteTestPdcp >
oCns3::Ptr< LteUePowerControl >
oCns3::Ptr< MacLow >
oCns3::Ptr< MeshWifiInterfaceMacPlugin >
oCns3::Ptr< MinMaxAvgTotalCalculator< uint32_t > >
oCns3::Ptr< MinMaxAvgTotalCalculator< uint64_t > >
oCns3::Ptr< MobilityModel >
oCns3::Ptr< MpduAggregator >
oCns3::Ptr< MsduAggregator >
oCns3::Ptr< NdiscCache >
oCns3::Ptr< NixVector >
oCns3::Ptr< Node >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::AntennaModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Application >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::ArpCache >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::AttributeValue >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::BandwidthManager >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::BaseStationNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::BleInterferenceHelper >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::BleLinkLayer >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::BlePhy >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::BridgeChannel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::BridgeNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::BSLinkManager >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::BSScheduler >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::BsServiceFlowManager >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Building >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::BurstProfileManager >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::CallbackImplBase >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Channel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::ChannelCoordinationListener >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::ChannelCoordinator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::ChannelManager >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::ChannelScheduler >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::ConnectionManager >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::CsmaChannel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::CsmaNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::DcaTxop >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::DeviceEnergyModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::dot11s::DestinationAddressUnit >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::dot11s::IeMeshId >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::dot11s::PeerManagementProtocol >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::dot11s::PeerManagementProtocolMac >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::DummyCongControl >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::EnergyHarvester >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::EnergySource >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::EpcHelper >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::EpcMme >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::EpcMme::EnbInfo >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::EpcMme::UeInfo >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::EpcSgwPgwApplication >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::EpcSgwPgwApplication::UeInfo >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::EpcTft >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::EpcUeNas >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::ErlangRandomVariable >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::ErrorModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::ErrorRateModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::EventImpl >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::ExponentialRandomVariable >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::FdNetDeviceFdReader >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::FfMacScheduler >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::FileAggregator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::flame::FlameProtocol >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::flame::FlameRtable >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::FlowClassifier >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::FlowMonitor >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::GammaRandomVariable >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::GnuplotAggregator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::GridPositionAllocator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::IpcsClassifier >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv4 >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv4FlowClassifier >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv4GlobalRouting >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv4Interface >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv4RawSocketImpl >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv4Route >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv4RoutingProtocol >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv4StaticRouting >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv6 >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv6FlowClassifier >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv6Interface >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv6PmtuCache >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv6RoutingProtocol >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::ItuR1238PropagationLossModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::ItuR1411LosPropagationLossModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::ItuR1411NlosOverRooftopPropagationLossModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::JakesProcess >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Kun2600MhzPropagationLossModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LrWpanCsmaCa >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LrWpanErrorModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LrWpanInterferenceHelper >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LrWpanMac >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LrWpanPhy >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteAmc >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteAnr >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteChunkProcessor >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteControlMessage >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteDataRadioBearerInfo >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteEnbMac >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteEnbNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteEnbPhy >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteEnbRrc >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteHandoverAlgorithm >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteHarqPhy >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteHelper >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteInterference >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LtePdcp >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteRlc >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteSignalingRadioBearerInfo >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteSpectrumPhy >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteTestMac >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteTestRrc >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteUeMac >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteUePhy >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteUePowerControl >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::LteUeRrc >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::MacLow >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::MacStatsCalculator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocol >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::MeshPointDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::MeshStack >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::MinstrelWifiManager >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::MobilityModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::MpduAggregator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::MsduAggregator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::NdiscCache >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::NetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::NetDeviceQueue >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::NetDeviceQueueInterface >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::NixVector >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Node >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::NormalRandomVariable >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::NscTcpL4Protocol >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::NscTcpSocketImpl >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Object >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::OkumuraHataPropagationLossModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::OpenFlowSwitchNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Packet >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PacketBurst >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PacketFilter >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PbbAddressBlock >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PbbAddressTlv >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PbbMessage >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PbbTlv >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PhyRxStatsCalculator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PhyStatsCalculator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PhyTxStatsCalculator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PointToPointChannel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PointToPointNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PositionAllocator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PropagationDelayModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::PropagationLossModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Queue >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::QueueDisc >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::QueueDiscClass >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::QueueDiscItem >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::QueueItem >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::RadioBearerStatsCalculator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::RandomBoxPositionAllocator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::RandomVariableStream >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::RemSpectrumPhy >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::RttEstimator >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Scheduler >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SimpleChannel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SimpleNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SimulatorImpl >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Socket >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SpectrumChannel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SpectrumErrorModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SpectrumModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SpectrumPhy >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SpectrumPropagationLossModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SpectrumValue >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SqliteDataOutput >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SSLinkManager >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SSManager >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SSScheduler >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SsServiceFlowManager >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SubscriberStationNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::Synchronizer >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::SystemThread >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::TapBridgeFdReader >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::TcpCongestionOps >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::TcpL4Protocol >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::TcpRxBuffer >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::TcpScalable >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::TcpSeqErrorModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::TcpSocketBase >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::TcpSocketMsgBase >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::TcpSocketState >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::TcpTxBuffer >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::TimeSeriesAdaptor >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::TopologyReader >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::TrafficControlLayer >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UanChannel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UanMac >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UanNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UanNoiseModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UanPhy >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UanPhyCalcSinr >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UanPhyPer >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UanPropModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UanTransducer >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UdpL4Protocol >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UdpServer >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UdpSocketImpl >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UeManager >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UlJob >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UniformRandomVariable >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::UplinkScheduler >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::VendorSpecificValue >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::VirtualNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::VsaManager >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::WaveBsmStats >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::WaveNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::WifiMac >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::WifiMacQueue >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::WifiPhy >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::WifiPhyStateHelper >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::WifiTxCurrentModel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::WimaxChannel >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::WimaxConnection >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::WimaxMacQueue >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::WimaxNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::WimaxPhy >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::X2CellInfo >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::X2IfaceInfo >
oCns3::Ptr< ns3::YansWifiChannel >
oCns3::Ptr< Object >
oCns3::Ptr< OcbWifiMac >
oCns3::Ptr< ofi::Controller >
oCns3::Ptr< OpenFlowSwitchNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< OutputStreamWrapper >
oCns3::Ptr< Packet >
oCns3::Ptr< PacketSink >
oCns3::Ptr< PbbPacket >
oCns3::Ptr< PeerManagementProtocolMac >
oCns3::Ptr< PointToPointEpcHelper >
oCns3::Ptr< PropagationLossModel >
oCns3::Ptr< QueueDisc >
oCns3::Ptr< RadvdInterface >
oCns3::Ptr< RadvdPrefix >
oCns3::Ptr< RandomVariableStream >
oCns3::Ptr< RoutingHelper >
oCns3::Ptr< SampleEmitter >
oCns3::Ptr< SimpleDeviceEnergyModel >
oCns3::Ptr< Socket >
oCns3::Ptr< SpectrumModel >
oCns3::Ptr< SpectrumPhy >
oCns3::Ptr< SpectrumValue >
oCns3::Ptr< TcpOption >
oCns3::Ptr< TimeMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator >
oCns3::Ptr< TraceFadingLossModel >
oCns3::Ptr< UniformRandomVariable >
oCns3::Ptr< VirtualNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< WaveNetDevice >
oCns3::Ptr< WaypointMobilityModel >
oCns3::Ptr< WifiInformationElement >
oCns3::Ptr< WifiPhy >
oCns3::Ptr< WifiPhyStats >
oCns3::Ptr< WifiRemoteStationManager >
oCns3::Ptr< YansWifiPhy >
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrBase< U >Base type of a Ptr
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrBase< ns3::Ptr< U > >Base type of a Ptr
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U >Not a pointer to member type
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(void) const >Pointer to const member function
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(void)>Pointer to member function
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(W1) const >Pointer to const member function
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(W1)>Pointer to member function
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(W1, W2) const >Pointer to const member function
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(W1, W2)>Pointer to member function
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(W1, W2, W3) const >Pointer to const member function
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(W1, W2, W3)>Pointer to member function
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(W1, W2, W3, W4) const >Pointer to const member function
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(W1, W2, W3, W4)>Pointer to member function
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(W1, W2, W3, W4, W5) const >Pointer to const member function
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(W1, W2, W3, W4, W5)>Pointer to member function
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6) const >Pointer to const member function
oCTypeTraits< T >::PtrToMemberTraits< U(V::*)(W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6)>Pointer to member function
oCns3::PyVizHelper class to be used by the visualizer
oCns3::QosBlockedDestinationsKeep track of destination address - TID pairs that are waiting for a block ACK response
oCns3::QueueDiscContainerHolds a vector of ns3::QueueDisc pointers
oCns3::QueueDiscFactoryThis class stores object factories required to create a queue disc and all of its components (packet filters, internal queues, classes)
oCns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacketPacket waiting its routing information
oCns3::dsdv::QueueEntryDSDV Queue Entry
oCns3::aodv::QueueEntryAODV Queue Entry
oCns3::LteEnbCmacSapProvider::RachConfigStruct defining the RACH configuration of the MAC
oCns3::RachListElement_sSee section 4.3.6 rachListElement
oCns3::RadioBearerStatsConnectorThis class is very useful when user needs to collect statistics from PDCD and RLC
oCns3::RadvdHelperRadvd application helper
oCns3::RandomStreamA simple wrapper around RngStream to make testing of the code easier
oCns3::RandomVariableCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for RandomVariableValue
oCns3::RandomVariableStreamHelperHelper class for static methods involving RandomVariableStream
oCns3::RandomVariableValueAttributeValue implementation for RandomVariable
oCns3::RarLteControlMessage::RarMAC RAR and the corresponding RAPID subheader
oCns3::RateInfoA struct to contain all information related to a data rate
oCns3::LtePdcpSapUser::ReceivePdcpSduParametersParameters for LtePdcpSapUser::ReceivePdcpSdu
oCns3::Rectangle2d rectangle
oCns3::RectangleCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for RectangleValue
oCns3::RectangleValueAttributeValue implementation for Rectangle
oCNs2MobilityHelperTest::ReferencePointSingle record in mobility reference
oCTypeTraits< T >::ReferenceTraits< U >Not a reference type
oCTypeTraits< T >::ReferenceTraits< U & >Reference type
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::RelativeNarrowbandTxBandRelative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) as it is used in the LOAD INFORMATION message
oCns3::RadioEnvironmentMapHelper::RemPointA complete Radio Environment Map is composed of many of this structure
oCns3::LteMacSapProvider::ReportBufferStatusParametersParameters for LteMacSapProvider::ReportBufferStatus
oCns3::LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutraSpecifies criteria for triggering of an E-UTRA measurement reporting event
oCns3::UanMacRcGw::RequestReservation request
oCns3::aodv::RequestQueueAODV route request queue
oCns3::ReservationStores reservation info for use in scheduling data channel by reservation channel MAC
oCns3::Time::ResolutionCurrent time unit, and conversion info
oCns3::ResolverAbstract class to parse Config paths into object references
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::ResourceStatusUpdateParamsParameters of the RESOURCE STATUS UPDATE message
oCns3::TestCase::ResultContainer for results from a TestCase
oCns3::RlcPduListElement_sSee section 4.3.9 rlcPDU_ListElement
oCns3::RngSeedManagerManage the seed number and run number of the underlying random number generator, and automatic assignment of stream numbers
oCns3::RngStreamCombined Multiple-Recursive Generator MRG32k3a
oCns3::flame::FlameRtable::RouteRouting table entry
oCRoutingStatsManages collects statistics on routing data (application-data packet and byte counts) for the vehicular network
oCns3::dsdv::RoutingTableThe Routing table used by DSDV protocol
oCns3::aodv::RoutingTableThe Routing table used by AODV protocol
oCns3::dsdv::RoutingTableEntryRouting table entry
oCns3::aodv::RoutingTableEntryRouting table entry
oCns3::olsr::RoutingTableEntryAn OLSR's routing table entry
oCns3::dsr::RreqTableEntryThe route request table entries
oCns3::RttHistoryHelper class to store RTT measurements
oCns3::RxSpectrumModelInfoThe Rx spectrum model information
oCns3::SbMeasResult_sSee section 4.3.25 sbMeasResult
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapUser::SchedDlConfigIndParametersParameters of the API primitives
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedDlCqiInfoReqParametersParameters of the SCHED_DL_CQI_INFO_REQ primitive
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedDlMacBufferReqParametersParameters of the SCHED_DL_MAC_BUFFER_REQ primitive
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedDlPagingBufferReqParametersParameters of the SCHED_DL_PAGING_BUFFER_REQ primitive
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedDlRachInfoReqParametersParameters of the SCHED_DL_RACH_INFO_REQ primitive
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedDlRlcBufferReqParametersParameters of the API primitives
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedDlTriggerReqParametersParameters of the SCHED_DL_TRIGGER_REQ primitive
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapUser::SchedUlConfigIndParametersParameters of the SCHED_UL_CONFIG_IND primitive
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedUlCqiInfoReqParametersParameters of the SCHED_UL_CQI_INFO_REQ primitive
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedUlMacCtrlInfoReqParametersParameters of the SCHED_UL_MAC_CTRL_INFO_REQ primitive
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedUlNoiseInterferenceReqParametersParameters of the SCHED_UL_NOISE_INTERFERENCE_REQ primitive
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedUlSrInfoReqParametersParameters of the SCHED_UL_SR_INFO_REQ primitive
oCns3::FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedUlTriggerReqParametersParameters of the SCHED_UL_TRIGGER_REQ primitive
oCns3::SendParamsDefines the parameters with which Send() function of a particular PHY is called
oCns3::SentBufferTracks non-blocking sends
oCns3::SequenceNumber< NUMERIC_TYPE, SIGNED_TYPE >Generic "sequence number" class
oCns3::SequenceNumber< uint32_t, int32_t >
oCns3::SequenceNumber< uint8_t, int8_t >
oCns3::ServiceFlowThis class implements service flows as described by the IEEE-802.16 standard
oCns3::ServiceFlowRecordThis class implements a structure to manage some parameters and statistics related to a service flow
oCns3::SiConfiguration_sSee section 4.3.21 siConfiguration
oCns3::SiMessageListElement_sSee section 4.3.22 siMessageListElement
oCns3::SimpleNetDeviceHelperBuild a set of SimpleNetDevice objects
oCns3::SimulationSingleton< T >This singleton class template ensures that the type for which we want a singleton has a lifetime bounded by the simulation run lifetime
oCns3::SimulatorControl the scheduling of simulation events
oCns3::SixLowPanDispatchDispatch header helper
oCns3::SixLowPanHelperSetup a sixlowpan stack to be used as a shim between IPv6 and a generic NetDevice
oCns3::PacketMetadata::SmallItemSmallItem structure
oCns3::InterferenceHelper::SnrPerA struct for both SNR and PER
oCns3::SNRToBlockErrorRateManagerThis class handles the SNR to BlcER traces
oCns3::SNRToBlockErrorRateRecordThis class represents a record (handled by SnrToBlockErrorRate manager) that keeps a mapping between an SNR value and its corresponding (1) Bit Error Rate, (2) Block Error Rate, (3) Standard deviation, (4 and 5) confidence interval
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::SnStatusTransferParamsParameters of the SN STATUS TRANSFER message
oCns3::SpectrumAnalyzerHelperClass to allow the Spectrum Analysis
oCns3::SpectrumChannelHelperSetup a SpectrumChannel
oCns3::SpectrumPhyHelperCreate and configure several SpectrumPhy instances and connect them to a channel
oCns3::SPFVertexVertex used in shortest path first (SPF) computations
oCns3::SpsConfig_sSee section 4.3.17 spsConfig
oCns3::SrConfig_sSee section 4.3.18 srConfig
oCns3::SrListElement_sSee section 4.3.13 srListElement
oCns3::SsidCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for SsidValue
oCns3::SsidValueAttributeValue implementation for Ssid
oCns3::SSRecordThis class is used by the base station to store some information related to subscriber station in the cell
oCStackHelperHelper to set or get some IPv6 information about nodes
oCStaticInformationGather aggregation and configuration path information from registered types
oCns3::StatisticalSummaryAbstract class for calculating statistical data
oCns3::ofi::StatsDumpCallbackCallback for a stats dump request
oCns3::LtePdcp::StatusStatus variables of the PDCP
oCns3::StatusCodeStatus code for association response
oCns3::ofi::SwitchPacketMetadataPacket Metadata, allows us to track the packet's metadata as it passes through the switch
oCns3::SystemConditionA class which provides a relatively platform-independent conditional-wait thread synchronization primitive
oCns3::SystemConditionPrivateImplementation of SystemCondition for Unix-like systems
oCns3::SystemMutexA class which provides a relatively platform-independent Mutual Exclusion thread synchronization primitive
oCns3::SystemMutexPrivateSystem-dependent implementation of SystemMutex
oCns3::SystemWallClockMsMeasure elapsed wall clock time in milliseconds
oCns3::SystemWallClockMsPrivateSystem-dependent implementation for SystemWallClockMs
oCns3::TagBufferRead and write tag data
oCns3::PacketTagList::TagDataTree node for sharing serialized tags
oCns3::TapHolds PDP Tap information (amplitude and delay)
oCns3::TapBridgeHelperBuild TapBridge to allow ns-3 simulations to interact with Linux tap devices and processes on the Linux host
oCns3::olsr::MessageHeader::TcTC Message Format
oCns3::tdtbfqsFlowPerf_tFlow information
oCns3::TestCaseFailureContainer for details of a test failure
oCns3::Ptr< T >::TesterHelper to test for null pointer
oCns3::TestRunnerA runner to execute tests
oCns3::LteRrcSap::ThresholdEutraThreshold for event evaluation
oCns3::TimeSimulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution
oCns3::TimeCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for TimeValue
oCns3::TimerA simple Timer class
oCns3::TimerImplThe timer implementation underlying Timer and Watchdog
oCns3::TimerImplMemberTraits< T >Helper for the MakeTimerImpl functions which take a class method
oCns3::TimerImplMemberTraits< T * >Helper for the MakeTimerImpl functions which take a class method
oCns3::TimerTraits< T >Type and reference traits for TimerImpl arguments
oCns3::TimeWithUnitA Time with attached unit, to facilitate output in that unit
oCns3::TlvValueThe value field of a tlv can take different values (uint8_t, uint16, vector...)
oCns3::TopologyReaderHelperHelper class which makes it easier to configure and use a generic TopologyReader
oCns3::olsr::TopologyTupleA Topology Tuple
oCns3::TracedCallback< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 >Forward calls to a chain of Callback
oCns3::TracedCallback< BleLinkLayerRole, BleLinkLayerRole >
oCns3::TracedCallback< BlePhyState, BlePhyState >
oCns3::TracedCallback< bool, bool >
oCns3::TracedCallback< const ns3::dsr::DsrOptionSRHeader & >
oCns3::TracedCallback< const ns3::Ipv4Header &, ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, DropReason, ns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv4 >, uint32_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< const ns3::Ipv4Header &, ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, uint32_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< const ns3::Ipv6Header &, ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, DropReason, ns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv6 >, uint32_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< const ns3::Ipv6Header &, ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, uint32_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< const ns3::olsr::PacketHeader &, const MessageList & >
oCns3::TracedCallback< const ns3::WifiMacHeader & >
oCns3::TracedCallback< double, double >
oCns3::TracedCallback< double, int, float >
oCns3::TracedCallback< DropReason, ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, ns3::Ptr< ns3::SixLowPanNetDevice >, uint32_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< enum Test_e, enum Test_e >
oCns3::TracedCallback< int16_t, int16_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< int32_t, int32_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< int8_t, int8_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< LrWpanMacState, LrWpanMacState >
oCns3::TracedCallback< LrWpanPhyEnumeration, LrWpanPhyEnumeration >
oCns3::TracedCallback< Mac48Address, Mac48Address >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Address, ns3::Address >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Mac48Address >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::PhyReceptionStatParameters >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::PhyTransmissionStatParameters >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::MobilityModel > >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet > >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, const ns3::Address & >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, const ns3::Mac48Address & >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, const ns3::TcpHeader &, ns3::Ptr< const ns3::TcpSocketBase > >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, double >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, double, ns3::UanTxMode >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, double, ns3::WifiMode, enum WifiPreamble >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, ns3::Mac48Address >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, ns3::Mac48Address, const ns3::Cid & >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, ns3::Mac48Address, ns3::Cid >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, ns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv4 >, uint32_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, ns3::Ptr< ns3::Ipv6 >, uint32_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, ns3::Ptr< ns3::NetDevice >, ns3::Ptr< ns3::NetDevice >, ns3::Time, ns3::Time >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, ns3::Ptr< ns3::SixLowPanNetDevice >, uint32_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, ns3::UanAddress >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, ns3::UanTxMode >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, ns3::WifiMode, WifiPreamble, uint8_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, uint16_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, WifiPreamble, ns3::WifiTxVector, struct ns3::mpduInfo >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, WifiPreamble, ns3::WifiTxVector, struct ns3::mpduInfo, struct ns3::signalNoiseDbm >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, uint32_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::Packet >, uint8_t, uint8_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::PacketBurst > >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::PacketBurst >, ns3::Mac48Address, const ns3::Cid &, ns3::WimaxPhy::ModulationType >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::QueueItem > >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< const ns3::SpectrumValue > >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< ns3::Packet >, uint8_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< ns3::Packet >, uint8_t, uint8_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< ns3::PacketBurst > >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Ptr< ns3::SpectrumPhy >, ns3::Ptr< ns3::SpectrumPhy >, double >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::SequenceNumber, ns3::SequenceNumber >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::TcpSocketState::TcpCongState_t, ns3::TcpSocketState::TcpCongState_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Time >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Time, LrWpanPhyEnumeration, LrWpanPhyEnumeration >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Time, ns3::Time >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Time, ns3::Time, enum ns3::WifiPhy::State >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ns3::Time, ns3::Time, uint32_t, uint32_t, double, uint32_t, double >
oCns3::TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > >
oCns3::TracedCallback< SequenceNumber32, SequenceNumber32 >
oCns3::TracedCallback< State, State >
oCns3::TracedCallback< T, T >
oCns3::TracedCallback< T1 >
oCns3::TracedCallback< T1, T2 >
oCns3::TracedCallback< T1, T2, T3 >
oCns3::TracedCallback< T1, T2, T3, T4 >
oCns3::TracedCallback< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 >
oCns3::TracedCallback< TcpCongState_t, TcpCongState_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< TcpStates_t, TcpStates_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< Time, Time >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint16_t, ns3::Ptr< ns3::SpectrumValue > >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint16_t, uint16_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint16_t, uint16_t, double >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint16_t, uint16_t, double, double >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint16_t, uint16_t, double, double, bool >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint16_t, uint16_t, State, State >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint16_t, uint8_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint16_t, uint8_t, uint32_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint16_t, uint8_t, uint32_t, uint64_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint32_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint32_t, ns3::Mac48Address >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint32_t, uint32_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint32_t, uint32_t, uint16_t, uint8_t, uint16_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint32_t, uint32_t, uint16_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint8_t, uint16_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint64_t, ns3::Mac48Address >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint64_t, uint16_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint64_t, uint16_t, uint16_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint64_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, ns3::LteRrcSap::MeasurementReport >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint64_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, State, State >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint64_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint64_t, uint64_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint8_t, ns3::Mac48Address >
oCns3::TracedCallback< uint8_t, uint8_t >
oCns3::TracedCallback< ValueClassTest, ValueClassTest >
oCanonymous_namespace{traced-callback-typedef-test-suite.cc}::TracedCbSink< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 >Sink functions
oCanonymous_namespace{traced-callback-typedef-test-suite.cc}::TracedCbSink< T1, empty, empty, empty, empty >
oCanonymous_namespace{traced-callback-typedef-test-suite.cc}::TracedCbSink< T1, T2, empty, empty, empty >
oCanonymous_namespace{traced-callback-typedef-test-suite.cc}::TracedCbSink< T1, T2, T3, empty, empty >
oCanonymous_namespace{traced-callback-typedef-test-suite.cc}::TracedCbSink< T1, T2, T3, T4, empty >
oCns3::TracedValue< T >Trace classes with value semantics
oCns3::TracedValue< BleLinkLayerRole >
oCns3::TracedValue< BlePhyState >
oCns3::TracedValue< bool >
oCns3::TracedValue< double >
oCns3::TracedValue< enum Test_e >
oCns3::TracedValue< int16_t >
oCns3::TracedValue< int32_t >
oCns3::TracedValue< int8_t >
oCns3::TracedValue< LrWpanMacState >
oCns3::TracedValue< LrWpanPhyEnumeration >
oCns3::TracedValue< ns3::SequenceNumber >
oCns3::TracedValue< ns3::Time >
oCns3::TracedValue< SequenceNumber32 >
oCns3::TracedValue< TcpCongState_t >
oCns3::TracedValue< TcpStates_t >
oCns3::TracedValue< Time >
oCns3::TracedValue< uint16_t >
oCns3::TracedValue< uint32_t >
oCns3::TracedValue< uint64_t >
oCns3::TracedValue< uint8_t >
oCns3::TracedValue< ValueClassTest >
oCns3::UdpTraceClient::TraceEntryEntry to send
oCns3::TypeId::TraceSourceInformationTraceSource implementation
oCns3::FlowMonitor::TrackedPacketStructure to represent a single tracked packet data
oCns3::TrafficControlHelperBuild a set of QueueDisc objects
oCns3::LteRlcSapProvider::TransmitPdcpPduParametersParameters for LteRlcSapProvider::TransmitPdcpPdu
oCns3::LtePdcpSapProvider::TransmitPdcpSduParametersParameters for LtePdcpSapProvider::TransmitPdcpSdu
oCns3::LteMacSapProvider::TransmitPduParametersParameters for LteMacSapProvider::TransmitPdu
oCns3::TvSpectrumModelIdUsed as key for map containing created spectrum models
oCns3::TvSpectrumTransmitterHelperHelper class which uses TvSpectrumTransmitter class to create customizable TV transmitter(s) that transmit PSD spectrum specified by user-set attributes
oCns3::olsr::TwoHopNeighborTupleA 2-hop Tuple
oCns3::LrWpanMac::TxQueueElementHelper structure for managing transmission queue elements
oCns3::TxSpectrumModelInfoThe Tx spectrum model information
oCns3::TypeIdUnique identifier for an interface
oCTypeTraits< T >Inspect a type to deduce its features
oCTypeTraits< empty >
oCTypeTraits< T1 >
oCTypeTraits< T2 >
oCTypeTraits< T3 >
oCTypeTraits< T4 >
oCTypeTraits< T5 >
oCTypeTraits< TX >
oCTypeTraits< TX1 >
oCTypeTraits< TX2 >
oCTypeTraits< TX3 >
oCns3::UanAddressA class used for addressing UAN MAC's
oCns3::UanHelperUAN configuration helper
oCns3::UanModesListContainer for UanTxModes
oCns3::UanModesListCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for UanModesListValue
oCns3::UanModesListValueAttributeValue implementation for UanModesList
oCns3::UanPacketArrivalClass consisting of packet arrival information (Time, RxPower, mode, PDP)
oCns3::UanPdpThe power delay profile returned by propagation models
oCns3::UanPhyListenerInterface for PHY event listener
oCns3::UanTxModeAbstraction of packet modulation information
oCns3::UanTxModeFactoryGlobal database of UanTxMode objects, retrievable by id or name
oCns3::UanTxModeFactory::UanTxModeItemContainer for the UanTxMode properties
oCns3::UcdChannelEncodingsThis class implements the UCD channel encodings as described by "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems" 11.3.1 UCD channel encodings, page 651
oCns3::UdpClientHelperCreate a client application which sends UDP packets carrying a 32bit sequence number and a 64 bit time stamp
oCns3::UdpEchoClientHelperCreate an application which sends a UDP packet and waits for an echo of this packet
oCns3::UdpEchoServerHelperCreate a server application which waits for input UDP packets and sends them back to the original sender
oCns3::UdpServerHelperCreate a server application which waits for input UDP packets and uses the information carried into their payload to compute delay and to determine if some packets are lost
oCns3::UdpTraceClientHelperCreate UdpTraceClient application which sends UDP packets based on a trace file of an MPEG4 stream
oCns3::UeCapabilities_sSee section 4.3.20 ueCapabilities
oCns3::LteEnbCmacSapUser::UeConfigParameters for [re]configuring the UE
oCns3::LteEnbCmacSapProvider::UeConfigParameters for [re]configuring the UE
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::UeContextReleaseParamsParameters of the UE CONTEXT RELEASE message
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::UeDataParamsParameters of the UE DATA primitive
oCns3::LteUeCphySapUser::UeMeasurementsElementParameters of the ReportUeMeasurements primitive: RSRP [dBm] and RSRQ [dB] See section 5.1.1 and 5.1.3 of TS 36.214
oCns3::LteUePhy::UeMeasurementsElementSummary results of measuring a specific cell. Used for layer-1 filtering
oCns3::UeSelected_sSee section 4.3.26 ueSelected
oCLteCellSelectionTestCase::UeSetup_tA set of input parameters for setting up a UE in the simulation
oCns3::UintegerCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for UintegerValue
oCns3::UlCqi_sSee section 4.3.29 ulCQI
oCns3::UlDciListElement_sSee section 4.3.2 ulDciListElement
oCns3::UlGrant_sSubstitutive structure for specifying BuildRarListElement_s::m_grant field
oCns3::EpcX2Sap::UlHighInterferenceInformationItemUL High Interference Information as it is used in the LOAD INFORMATION message
oCns3::EpcS11Sap::UliTS 29.274 8.21 User Location Information (ULI)
oCns3::UlInfoListElement_sSee section 4.3.12 ulInfoListElement
oCTypeTraits< T >::UnConst< U >Not a const type
oCTypeTraits< T >::UnConst< const U >Const type
oCns3::aodv::IdCache::UniqueIdUnique packet ID
oCns3::V4PingHelperCreate a IPv5 ping application and associate it to a node
oCns3::EmpiricalRandomVariable::ValueCDFHelper to hold one point of the CDF
oCValueClassTestTest class for TracedValue callbacks
oCns3::ValueClassTestCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for ValueClassTestValue
oCns3::ValueClassTestValueAttributeValue implementation for ValueClassTest
oCns3::LteUeRrc::VarMeasConfigIncludes the accumulated configuration of the measurements to be performed by the UE
oCns3::LteUeRrc::VarMeasReportRepresents a single measurement reporting entry., which includes information about a measurement for which the triggering conditions have been met
oCstd::vector< T >STL class
oCns3::Vector2D2d vector
oCns3::Vector3D3d vector
oCns3::VendorSpecificListElement_sSee section 4.3.3 vendorSpecifiListElement
oCns3::ofi::VPortActionClass for handling virtual port table actions
oCns3::WatchdogA very simple watchdog operating in virtual time
oCns3::WaveBsmHelperManages IEEE 1609 WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments) Basic Safety Messages (BSMs) and uses the WaveBsmStats class to manage statistics about BSMs transmitted and received The BSM is a ~200-byte packet that is generally broadcast from every vehicle at a nominal rate of 10 Hz
oCns3::WaveformGeneratorHelperCreate a Waveform generator, which can be used to inject specific noise in the channel
oCns3::WaveHelperHelps to create WaveNetDevice objects
oCWaveNetDeviceExampleThis simulation is to show the routing service of WaveNetDevice described in IEEE 09.4
oCns3::Waypoint(time, location) pair
oCns3::WaypointCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for WaypointValue
oCns3::WaypointValueAttributeValue implementation for Waypoint
oCWifiAppEnforces program flow for ns-3 wifi applications
oCns3::WifiHelperHelps to create WifiNetDevice objects
oCns3::WifiMacHelperCreate MAC layers for a ns3::WifiNetDevice
oCns3::WifiModeRepresent a single transmission modeA WifiMode is implemented by a single integer which is used to lookup in a global array the characteristics of the associated transmission mode
oCns3::WifiModeCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for WifiModeValue
oCns3::WifiModeFactoryCreate WifiMode class instances and keep track of them
oCns3::WifiModeFactory::WifiModeItemThis is the data associated to a unique WifiMode
oCns3::WifiModeValueAttributeValue implementation for WifiMode
oCns3::WifiPhyHelperCreate PHY objects
oCns3::WifiPhyListenerReceive notifications about phy events
oCns3::WifiRemoteStationHold per-remote-station state
oCns3::WifiRemoteStationInfoTid independent remote station statistics
oCns3::WifiRemoteStationStateA struct that holds information about each remote station
oCns3::WifiSpectrumModel5MhzInitializerStatic class to initialize the values for the Wi-Fi spectrum model
oCns3::WifiSpectrumValueHelperThis abstract class defines the interface for interacting with all WifiSpectrumValue implementations
oCns3::WifiTxVectorThis class mimics the TXVECTOR which is to be passed to the PHY in order to define the parameters which are to be used for a transmission
oCns3::YansWifiChannelHelperManage and create wifi channel objects for the yans model
oCanonymous_namespace{buffer.cc}::ZeroesZero-filled buffer