A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
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1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2015 NITK Surathkal
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17  *
18  * Author: Mohit P. Tahiliani <tahiliani@nitk.edu.in>
19  *
20  */
66 #include "ns3/core-module.h"
67 #include "ns3/network-module.h"
68 #include "ns3/internet-module.h"
69 #include "ns3/flow-monitor-helper.h"
70 #include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
71 #include "ns3/applications-module.h"
72 #include "ns3/traffic-control-module.h"
74 using namespace ns3;
76 NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("AdaptiveRedTests");
78 uint32_t checkTimes;
81 // The times
101 std::stringstream filePlotQueueDisc;
102 std::stringstream filePlotQueueDiscAvg;
104 void
106 {
107  uint32_t qSize = StaticCast<RedQueueDisc> (queue)->GetQueueSize ();
109  avgQueueDiscSize += qSize;
110  checkTimes++;
112  // check queue disc size every 1/100 of a second
115  std::ofstream fPlotQueueDisc (filePlotQueueDisc.str ().c_str (), std::ios::out | std::ios::app);
116  fPlotQueueDisc << Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " " << qSize << std::endl;
117  fPlotQueueDisc.close ();
119  std::ofstream fPlotQueueDiscAvg (filePlotQueueDiscAvg.str ().c_str (), std::ios::out | std::ios::app);
120  fPlotQueueDiscAvg << Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " " << avgQueueDiscSize / checkTimes << std::endl;
121  fPlotQueueDiscAvg.close ();
122 }
124 void
125 BuildAppsTest (uint32_t test)
126 {
127  // SINK is in the right side
128  uint16_t port = 50000;
129  Address sinkLocalAddress (InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), port));
130  PacketSinkHelper sinkHelper ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory", sinkLocalAddress);
131  ApplicationContainer sinkApp = sinkHelper.Install (n3n4.Get (1));
132  sinkApp.Start (Seconds (sink_start_time));
133  sinkApp.Stop (Seconds (sink_stop_time));
135  // Connection one
136  // Clients are in left side
137  /*
138  * Create the OnOff applications to send TCP to the server
139  * onoffhelper is a client that send data to TCP destination
140  */
141  OnOffHelper clientHelper1 ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory", Address ());
142  clientHelper1.SetAttribute ("OnTime", StringValue ("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=1]"));
143  clientHelper1.SetAttribute ("OffTime", StringValue ("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0]"));
144  clientHelper1.SetAttribute ("PacketSize", UintegerValue (1000));
146  // Connection two
147  OnOffHelper clientHelper2 ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory", Address ());
148  clientHelper2.SetAttribute ("OnTime", StringValue ("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=1]"));
149  clientHelper2.SetAttribute ("OffTime", StringValue ("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0]"));
150  clientHelper2.SetAttribute ("PacketSize", UintegerValue (1000));
152  if (test == 6 || test == 7 || test == 8 || test == 9 || test == 10 || test == 12)
153  {
154  clientHelper1.SetAttribute ("DataRate", DataRateValue (DataRate ("100Mb/s")));
155  clientHelper2.SetAttribute ("DataRate", DataRateValue (DataRate ("100Mb/s")));
156  }
157  else
158  {
159  clientHelper1.SetAttribute ("DataRate", DataRateValue (DataRate ("10Mb/s")));
160  clientHelper2.SetAttribute ("DataRate", DataRateValue (DataRate ("10Mb/s")));
161  }
163  ApplicationContainer clientApps1;
164  AddressValue remoteAddress (InetSocketAddress (i3i4.GetAddress (1), port));
165  clientHelper1.SetAttribute ("Remote", remoteAddress);
166  clientApps1.Add (clientHelper1.Install (n0n2.Get (0)));
167  clientApps1.Start (Seconds (client_start_time));
168  clientApps1.Stop (Seconds (client_stop_time));
170  ApplicationContainer clientApps2;
171  clientHelper2.SetAttribute ("Remote", remoteAddress);
172  clientApps2.Add (clientHelper2.Install (n1n2.Get (0)));
173  clientApps2.Start (Seconds (client_start_time));
174  clientApps2.Stop (Seconds (client_stop_time));
175 }
177 int
178 main (int argc, char *argv[])
179 {
180  LogComponentEnable ("RedQueueDisc", LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
182  uint32_t aredTest;
183  std::string aredLinkDataRate = "1.5Mbps";
184  std::string aredLinkDelay = "20ms";
186  std::string pathOut;
187  bool writeForPlot = false;
188  bool writePcap = false;
189  bool flowMonitor = false;
191  bool printAredStats = true;
193  global_start_time = 0.0;
196  global_stop_time = 7.0;
200  // Configuration and command line parameter parsing
201  aredTest = 1;
202  // Will only save in the directory if enable opts below
203  pathOut = "."; // Current directory
205  cmd.AddValue ("testNumber", "Run test 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 or 15", aredTest);
206  cmd.AddValue ("pathOut", "Path to save results from --writeForPlot/--writePcap/--writeFlowMonitor", pathOut);
207  cmd.AddValue ("writeForPlot", "<0/1> to write results for plot (gnuplot)", writeForPlot);
208  cmd.AddValue ("writePcap", "<0/1> to write results in pcapfile", writePcap);
209  cmd.AddValue ("writeFlowMonitor", "<0/1> to enable Flow Monitor and write their results", flowMonitor);
211  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
212  if ( (aredTest != 1) && (aredTest != 2) && (aredTest != 6) && (aredTest != 7) && (aredTest != 8) && (aredTest != 9) && (aredTest != 10) && (aredTest != 12) && (aredTest != 13) && (aredTest != 14) && (aredTest != 15) )
213  {
214  std::cout << "Invalid test number. Supported tests are 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 or 15" << std::endl;
215  exit (1);
216  }
218  NS_LOG_INFO ("Create nodes");
219  NodeContainer c;
220  c.Create (6);
221  Names::Add ( "N0", c.Get (0));
222  Names::Add ( "N1", c.Get (1));
223  Names::Add ( "N2", c.Get (2));
224  Names::Add ( "N3", c.Get (3));
225  Names::Add ( "N4", c.Get (4));
226  Names::Add ( "N5", c.Get (5));
227  n0n2 = NodeContainer (c.Get (0), c.Get (2));
228  n1n2 = NodeContainer (c.Get (1), c.Get (2));
229  n2n3 = NodeContainer (c.Get (2), c.Get (3));
230  n3n4 = NodeContainer (c.Get (3), c.Get (4));
231  n3n5 = NodeContainer (c.Get (3), c.Get (5));
233  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::TcpL4Protocol::SocketType", StringValue ("ns3::TcpNewReno"));
234  // 42 = headers size
235  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::TcpSocket::SegmentSize", UintegerValue (1000 - 42));
236  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::TcpSocket::DelAckCount", UintegerValue (1));
237  GlobalValue::Bind ("ChecksumEnabled", BooleanValue (false));
239  uint32_t meanPktSize = 1000;
241  // RED params
242  NS_LOG_INFO ("Set RED params");
243  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::Mode", StringValue ("QUEUE_MODE_PACKETS"));
244  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::MeanPktSize", UintegerValue (meanPktSize));
245  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::Wait", BooleanValue (true));
246  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::Gentle", BooleanValue (true));
247  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::QW", DoubleValue (0.002));
248  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::MinTh", DoubleValue (5));
249  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::MaxTh", DoubleValue (15));
250  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::QueueLimit", UintegerValue (1000));
252  if (aredTest == 1) // test 1: red1
253  {
254  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::QueueLimit", UintegerValue (25));
255  }
256  else if (aredTest == 2) // test 2: red1Adapt
257  {
258  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::ARED", BooleanValue (true));
259  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::LInterm", DoubleValue (10));
260  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::QueueLimit", UintegerValue (25));
261  }
262  else if (aredTest == 7) // test 7: fastlinkAutowq
263  {
264  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::QW", DoubleValue (0.0));
265  }
266  else if (aredTest == 8) // test 8: fastlinkAutothresh
267  {
268  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::MinTh", DoubleValue (0));
269  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::MaxTh", DoubleValue (0));
270  }
271  else if (aredTest == 9) // test 9: fastlinkAdaptive
272  {
273  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::AdaptMaxP", BooleanValue (true));
274  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::LInterm", DoubleValue (10));
275  }
276  else if (aredTest == 10) // test 10: fastlinkAllAdapt
277  {
278  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::ARED", BooleanValue (true));
279  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::LInterm", DoubleValue (10));
280  }
281  else if (aredTest == 12) // test 12: fastlinkAllAdapt1
282  {
283  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::ARED", BooleanValue (true));
284  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::LInterm", DoubleValue (10));
285  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::TargetDelay", TimeValue (Seconds (0.2)));
286  }
287  else if (aredTest == 13) // test 13: longlink
288  {
289  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::QueueLimit", UintegerValue (100));
290  }
291  else if (aredTest == 14) // test 14: longlinkAdapt
292  {
293  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::ARED", BooleanValue (true));
294  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::LInterm", DoubleValue (10));
295  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::QueueLimit", UintegerValue (100));
296  }
297  else if (aredTest == 15) // test 15: longlinkAdapt1
298  {
299  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::QW", DoubleValue (-1.0));
300  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::MinTh", DoubleValue (0));
301  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::MaxTh", DoubleValue (0));
302  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::AdaptMaxP", BooleanValue (true));
303  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::LInterm", DoubleValue (10));
304  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::QueueLimit", UintegerValue (100));
305  }
307  NS_LOG_INFO ("Install internet stack on all nodes.");
308  InternetStackHelper internet;
309  internet.Install (c);
311  TrafficControlHelper tchPfifo;
312  uint16_t handle = tchPfifo.SetRootQueueDisc ("ns3::PfifoFastQueueDisc");
313  tchPfifo.AddInternalQueues (handle, 3, "ns3::DropTailQueue", "MaxPackets", UintegerValue (1000));
314  tchPfifo.AddPacketFilter (handle, "ns3::PfifoFastIpv4PacketFilter");
316  TrafficControlHelper tchRed;
317  tchRed.SetRootQueueDisc ("ns3::RedQueueDisc", "LinkBandwidth", StringValue (aredLinkDataRate),
318  "LinkDelay", StringValue (aredLinkDelay));
320  NS_LOG_INFO ("Create channels");
321  PointToPointHelper p2p;
323  NetDeviceContainer devn0n2;
324  NetDeviceContainer devn1n2;
325  NetDeviceContainer devn2n3;
326  NetDeviceContainer devn3n4;
327  NetDeviceContainer devn3n5;
329  QueueDiscContainer queueDiscs;
331  if (aredTest == 1 || aredTest == 2)
332  {
333  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
334  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("10Mbps"));
335  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("2ms"));
336  devn0n2 = p2p.Install (n0n2);
337  tchPfifo.Install (devn0n2);
339  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
340  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("10Mbps"));
341  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("3ms"));
342  devn1n2 = p2p.Install (n1n2);
343  tchPfifo.Install (devn1n2);
345  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
346  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue (aredLinkDataRate));
347  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue (aredLinkDelay));
348  devn2n3 = p2p.Install (n2n3);
349  // only backbone link has ARED queue disc
350  queueDiscs = tchRed.Install (devn2n3);
352  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
353  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("10Mbps"));
354  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("4ms"));
355  devn3n4 = p2p.Install (n3n4);
356  tchPfifo.Install (devn3n4);
358  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
359  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("10Mbps"));
360  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("5ms"));
361  devn3n5 = p2p.Install (n3n5);
362  tchPfifo.Install (devn3n5);
363  }
364  else if (aredTest == 13 || aredTest == 14 || aredTest == 15)
365  {
366  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
367  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("10Mbps"));
368  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("0ms"));
369  devn0n2 = p2p.Install (n0n2);
370  tchPfifo.Install (devn0n2);
372  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
373  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("10Mbps"));
374  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("1ms"));
375  devn1n2 = p2p.Install (n1n2);
376  tchPfifo.Install (devn1n2);
378  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
379  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue (aredLinkDataRate));
380  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("100ms"));
381  devn2n3 = p2p.Install (n2n3);
382  // only backbone link has ARED queue disc
383  queueDiscs = tchRed.Install (devn2n3);
385  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
386  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("10Mbps"));
387  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("2ms"));
388  devn3n4 = p2p.Install (n3n4);
389  tchPfifo.Install (devn3n4);
391  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
392  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("10Mbps"));
393  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("3ms"));
394  devn3n5 = p2p.Install (n3n5);
395  tchPfifo.Install (devn3n5);
396  }
397  else if (aredTest == 6 || aredTest == 7 || aredTest == 8 || aredTest == 9 || aredTest == 10 || aredTest == 12)
398  {
399  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
400  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("100Mbps"));
401  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("2ms"));
402  devn0n2 = p2p.Install (n0n2);
403  tchPfifo.Install (devn0n2);
405  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
406  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("100Mbps"));
407  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("3ms"));
408  devn1n2 = p2p.Install (n1n2);
409  tchPfifo.Install (devn1n2);
411  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
412  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("15Mbps"));
413  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue (aredLinkDelay));
414  devn2n3 = p2p.Install (n2n3);
415  // only backbone link has ARED queue disc
416  queueDiscs = tchRed.Install (devn2n3);
418  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
419  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("100Mbps"));
420  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("4ms"));
421  devn3n4 = p2p.Install (n3n4);
422  tchPfifo.Install (devn3n4);
424  p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
425  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("100Mbps"));
426  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("5ms"));
427  devn3n5 = p2p.Install (n3n5);
428  tchPfifo.Install (devn3n5);
429  }
431  NS_LOG_INFO ("Assign IP Addresses");
432  Ipv4AddressHelper ipv4;
434  ipv4.SetBase ("", "");
435  i0i2 = ipv4.Assign (devn0n2);
437  ipv4.SetBase ("", "");
438  i1i2 = ipv4.Assign (devn1n2);
440  ipv4.SetBase ("", "");
441  i2i3 = ipv4.Assign (devn2n3);
443  ipv4.SetBase ("", "");
444  i3i4 = ipv4.Assign (devn3n4);
446  ipv4.SetBase ("", "");
447  i3i5 = ipv4.Assign (devn3n5);
449  // Set up the routing
452  BuildAppsTest (aredTest);
454  if (writePcap)
455  {
456  PointToPointHelper ptp;
457  std::stringstream stmp;
458  stmp << pathOut << "/ared";
459  ptp.EnablePcapAll (stmp.str ().c_str ());
460  }
462  Ptr<FlowMonitor> flowmon;
463  if (flowMonitor)
464  {
465  FlowMonitorHelper flowmonHelper;
466  flowmon = flowmonHelper.InstallAll ();
467  }
469  if (writeForPlot)
470  {
471  filePlotQueueDisc << pathOut << "/" << "ared-queue-disc.plotme";
472  filePlotQueueDiscAvg << pathOut << "/" << "ared-queue-disc_avg.plotme";
474  remove (filePlotQueueDisc.str ().c_str ());
475  remove (filePlotQueueDiscAvg.str ().c_str ());
476  Ptr<QueueDisc> queue = queueDiscs.Get (0);
478  }
481  Simulator::Run ();
483  RedQueueDisc::Stats st = StaticCast<RedQueueDisc> (queueDiscs.Get (0))->GetStats ();
485  if (aredTest == 1 || aredTest == 2 || aredTest == 13)
486  {
487  if (st.unforcedDrop > st.forcedDrop)
488  {
489  std::cout << "Drops due to prob mark should be less than the drops due to hard mark" << std::endl;
490  exit (-1);
491  }
493  if (st.qLimDrop == 0)
494  {
495  std::cout << "There should be some drops due to queue full" << std::endl;
496  exit (-1);
497  }
498  }
499  else if (aredTest == 6 || aredTest == 7 || aredTest == 8 || aredTest == 9 || aredTest == 10 || aredTest == 14 || aredTest ==15)
500  {
501  if (st.unforcedDrop > st.forcedDrop)
502  {
503  std::cout << "Drops due to prob mark should be less than the drops due to hard mark" << std::endl;
504  exit (-1);
505  }
507  if (st.qLimDrop != 0)
508  {
509  std::cout << "There should be zero drops due to queue full" << std::endl;
510  exit (-1);
511  }
512  }
513  else if (aredTest == 12)
514  {
515  if (st.unforcedDrop < st.forcedDrop)
516  {
517  std::cout << "Drops due to prob mark should be more than the drops due to hard mark" << std::endl;
518  exit (-1);
519  }
521  if (st.qLimDrop != 0)
522  {
523  std::cout << "There should be zero drops due to queue full" << std::endl;
524  exit (-1);
525  }
526  }
528  if (flowMonitor)
529  {
530  std::stringstream stmp;
531  stmp << pathOut << "/ared.flowmon";
533  flowmon->SerializeToXmlFile (stmp.str ().c_str (), false, false);
534  }
536  if (printAredStats)
537  {
538  std::cout << "*** ARED stats from Node 2 queue ***" << std::endl;
539  std::cout << "\t " << st.unforcedDrop << " drops due to prob mark" << std::endl;
540  std::cout << "\t " << st.forcedDrop << " drops due to hard mark" << std::endl;
541  std::cout << "\t " << st.qLimDrop << " drops due to queue full" << std::endl;
542  }
546  return 0;
547 }
holds a vector of ns3::Application pointers.
an Inet address class
static Ipv4Address GetAny(void)
AttributeValue implementation for Boolean.
Definition: boolean.h:34
QueueDiscContainer Install(NetDeviceContainer c)
holds a vector of std::pair of Ptr<Ipv4> and interface index.
static void PopulateRoutingTables(void)
Build a routing database and initialize the routing tables of the nodes in the simulation.
Hold variables of type string.
Definition: string.h:41
NodeContainer n3n5
NetDeviceContainer Install(NodeContainer c)
void Add(ApplicationContainer other)
Append the contents of another ApplicationContainer to the end of this container. ...
Ipv4InterfaceContainer i3i5
void SetQueue(std::string type, std::string n1="", const AttributeValue &v1=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n2="", const AttributeValue &v2=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n3="", const AttributeValue &v3=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n4="", const AttributeValue &v4=EmptyAttributeValue())
Each point to point net device must have a queue to pass packets through.
Ipv4InterfaceContainer i1i2
Ipv4InterfaceContainer i3i4
static void Run(void)
Run the simulation.
Definition: simulator.cc:200
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:201
double avgQueueDiscSize
aggregate IP/TCP/UDP functionality to existing Nodes.
#define NS_LOG_INFO(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_INFO.
Definition: log.h:244
A helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::PacketSinkApplication on a set of nodes...
Build a set of PointToPointNetDevice objects.
void SetDeviceAttribute(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Set an attribute value to be propagated to each NetDevice created by the helper.
void AddPacketFilter(uint16_t handle, std::string type, std::string n01="", const AttributeValue &v01=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n02="", const AttributeValue &v02=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n03="", const AttributeValue &v03=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n04="", const AttributeValue &v04=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n05="", const AttributeValue &v05=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n06="", const AttributeValue &v06=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n07="", const AttributeValue &v07=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n08="", const AttributeValue &v08=EmptyAttributeValue())
Helper function used to add a packet filter (of the given type and with the given attributes) to the ...
A helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::OnOffApplication on a set of nodes.
Definition: on-off-helper.h:42
tuple cmd
Definition: second.py:35
std::stringstream filePlotQueueDiscAvg
uint16_t port
Definition: dsdv-manet.cc:44
a polymophic address class
Definition: address.h:90
NodeContainer n3n4
Holds a vector of ns3::QueueDisc pointers.
static void Add(std::string name, Ptr< Object > object)
Add the association between the string "name" and the Ptr<Object> obj.
Definition: names.cc:694
Class for representing data rates.
Definition: data-rate.h:88
double GetSeconds(void) const
Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:341
double client_start_time
Ptr< QueueDisc > Get(uint32_t i) const
Get the Ptr<QueueDisc> stored in this container at a given index.
void LogComponentEnable(char const *name, enum LogLevel level)
Enable the logging output associated with that log component.
Definition: log.cc:351
uint32_t forcedDrop
Forced drops, qavg > max threshold.
double sink_stop_time
void EnablePcapAll(std::string prefix, bool promiscuous=false)
Enable pcap output on each device (which is of the appropriate type) in the set of all nodes created ...
static EventId Schedule(Time const &delay, MEM mem_ptr, OBJ obj)
Schedule an event to expire after delay.
Definition: simulator.h:1221
void BuildAppsTest(uint32_t test)
AttributeValue implementation for Time.
Definition: nstime.h:957
Hold an unsigned integer type.
Definition: uinteger.h:44
uint32_t qLimDrop
Drops due to queue limits.
LOG_INFO and above.
Definition: log.h:103
holds a vector of ns3::NetDevice pointers
uint32_t checkTimes
Build a set of QueueDisc objects.
static void Bind(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Iterate over the set of GlobalValues until a matching name is found and then set its value with Globa...
Ptr< FlowMonitor > InstallAll()
Enable flow monitoring on all nodes.
void Start(Time start)
Arrange for all of the Applications in this container to Start() at the Time given as a parameter...
Parse command-line arguments.
Definition: command-line.h:201
static void Destroy(void)
Execute the events scheduled with ScheduleDestroy().
Definition: simulator.cc:164
double sink_start_time
keep track of a set of node pointers.
uint16_t SetRootQueueDisc(std::string type, std::string n01="", const AttributeValue &v01=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n02="", const AttributeValue &v02=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n03="", const AttributeValue &v03=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n04="", const AttributeValue &v04=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n05="", const AttributeValue &v05=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n06="", const AttributeValue &v06=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n07="", const AttributeValue &v07=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n08="", const AttributeValue &v08=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n09="", const AttributeValue &v09=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n10="", const AttributeValue &v10=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n11="", const AttributeValue &v11=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n12="", const AttributeValue &v12=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n13="", const AttributeValue &v13=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n14="", const AttributeValue &v14=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n15="", const AttributeValue &v15=EmptyAttributeValue())
Helper function used to set a root queue disc of the given type and with the given attributes...
void Install(std::string nodeName) const
Aggregate implementations of the ns3::Ipv4, ns3::Ipv6, ns3::Udp, and ns3::Tcp classes onto the provid...
NodeContainer n2n3
Helper to enable IP flow monitoring on a set of Nodes.
static EventId ScheduleNow(MEM mem_ptr, OBJ obj)
Schedule an event to expire Now.
Definition: simulator.h:1384
static Time Now(void)
Return the current simulation virtual time.
Definition: simulator.cc:223
Ipv4InterfaceContainer i0i2
void SetChannelAttribute(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Set an attribute value to be propagated to each Channel created by the helper.
double client_stop_time
double global_start_time
AttributeValue implementation for Address.
void Stop(Time stop)
Arrange for all of the Applications in this container to Stop() at the Time given as a parameter...
Ipv4InterfaceContainer Assign(const NetDeviceContainer &c)
Assign IP addresses to the net devices specified in the container based on the current network prefix...
void AddInternalQueues(uint16_t handle, uint16_t count, std::string type, std::string n01="", const AttributeValue &v01=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n02="", const AttributeValue &v02=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n03="", const AttributeValue &v03=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n04="", const AttributeValue &v04=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n05="", const AttributeValue &v05=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n06="", const AttributeValue &v06=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n07="", const AttributeValue &v07=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n08="", const AttributeValue &v08=EmptyAttributeValue())
Helper function used to add the given number of internal queues (of the given type and with the given...
AttributeValue implementation for DataRate.
void AddValue(const std::string &name, const std::string &help, T &value)
Add a program argument, assigning to POD.
Definition: command-line.h:491
static void Stop(void)
Tell the Simulator the calling event should be the last one executed.
Definition: simulator.cc:208
void SerializeToXmlFile(std::string fileName, bool enableHistograms, bool enableProbes)
Same as SerializeToXmlStream, but writes to a file instead.
Ptr< Node > Get(uint32_t i) const
Get the Ptr<Node> stored in this container at a given index.
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:895
void SetDefault(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Definition: config.cc:774
std::stringstream filePlotQueueDisc
ApplicationContainer Install(NodeContainer c) const
Install an ns3::PacketSinkApplication on each node of the input container configured with all the att...
void Parse(int argc, char *argv[])
Parse the program arguments.
A helper class to make life easier while doing simple IPv4 address assignment in scripts.
void Create(uint32_t n)
Create n nodes and append pointers to them to the end of this NodeContainer.
NodeContainer n0n2
This class can be used to hold variables of floating point type such as 'double' or 'float'...
Definition: double.h:41
double global_stop_time
ApplicationContainer Install(NodeContainer c) const
Install an ns3::OnOffApplication on each node of the input container configured with all the attribut...
void CheckQueueDiscSize(Ptr< QueueDisc > queue)
void test(void)
Example use of ns3::SystemThread.
NodeContainer n1n2
void SetAttribute(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Helper function used to set the underlying application attributes.
Ipv4InterfaceContainer i2i3
void SetBase(Ipv4Address network, Ipv4Mask mask, Ipv4Address base="")
Set the base network number, network mask and base address.
uint32_t unforcedDrop
Early probability drops.
Ipv4Address GetAddress(uint32_t i, uint32_t j=0) const